What Maintenance Does an HVAC Tune Up Service Provide?

Maintaining a valid heating and cooling system is essential for a comfortable home. To ensure that your HVAC system is running smoothly, it's important to schedule regular tune-ups. Learn more about what an HVAC tune up service provides.

What Maintenance Does an HVAC Tune Up Service Provide?

Keeping a functional heating and cooling system is essential for a comfortable home. To make sure your HVAC system is running optimally, it's important to schedule regular tune-ups. Depending on the age of your system, you should have it adjusted once or twice a year. If your system is five years old or older, two adjustments per year are recommended.

For newer systems, an annual tune-up should be sufficient. During an AC tune-up, a professional technician will inspect each component of the air conditioning system. This includes cleaning, adjusting, and checking for efficiency. Regular maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs, increase system efficiency, and extend the life of your system by preventing dirt and corrosion.

A tune-up is a proactive and preventive measure to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. An HVAC technician will also check the temperature of the air in your ducts to ensure adequate heating and cooling. They will clean and tighten all thermostat wires, replace the filter, and clean the air conditioner condenser and condenser coil. Investing in regular maintenance can save you money in the long run by preventing unexpected breakdowns while your system is still under warranty.

Regular maintenance can extend the life of an air conditioner by up to 15 years. On the other hand, neglecting your system can cause it to fail 5 to 8 years after installation. Williams Comfort Air offers maintenance plans for heating and cooling systems in the greater Indianapolis area to help you keep your system in top condition. The safest option is to set up the boiler once a year before cold weather sets in and one set up of the air conditioning a year before hot weather arrives.

Unexpected HVAC repairs or maintenance can be expensive, but a HomeServe home repair plan can give you some peace of mind. Without routine air conditioning maintenance, you run the risk of spending a lot of money in the future.

Eloise Birklid
Eloise Birklid

General gamer. Proud twitter expert. Avid coffee trailblazer. Professional tv junkie. Lifelong web junkie. Passionate pop cultureaholic.

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