Is It Time for an HVAC Tune-Up Service?

Are you wondering if your HVAC system needs a tune-up service? There are several signs that can indicate it's time to call in the professionals. Unexplained increases in energy bills, loud and unusual noises coming from heating or air conditioner, and more than 10

Is It Time for an HVAC Tune-Up Service?

Are you questioning if your HVAC system requires a tune-up service? There are several signs that can suggest it's time to call in the professionals. Unexplained increases in your energy bills, loud and unusual noises coming from your heating or air conditioner, and your air conditioning system being more than 10 years old are all indications that you may need to schedule air conditioning system maintenance. Additionally, if your air conditioner is blowing hot air instead of cold, making strange noises, emitting musty odors, or your home seems dustier than usual, it's time to call in the experts. A cooling system that blows warm air instead of cold air wastes electricity while striving to cool the living space to the desired temperature most of the time without results.

This issue can be caused by multiple reasons, but a professional tune-up should fix it quickly. You should pay attention to the sounds your cooling system makes when it's working normally, particularly if you've had it for many years. If you hear strange noises, such as buzzing or screeching, they could be symptoms of an underlying problem with the fan motor. In this case, you'll need to fine-tune the system as soon as possible to locate the source of these new sounds.

A musty smell from the air conditioner could indicate that the drain pipe is clogged or broken. Ask a certified technician to take care of this before moisture on the equipment produces mold spores, which could require expensive system repairs. If your home seems dustier than usual or you see visible dust particles falling through the ventilation grilles, the system may need to be cleaned. You may also notice that people with allergies in your home have more asthma attacks than usual.

An annual tune-up can resolve this problem by having a technician analyze the internal workings of the air conditioning unit to determine the cause. If you have a service plan, an annual setup may be included, so check with your service plan provider. There may be several reasons for this, but an effective set-up should solve the problem economically. You'll often save large amounts of money and a lot of expensive repairs later on if you adjust your air conditioning system now.

If you schedule a tune-up as soon as you notice one of these efficiency problems, your service company will discover the cause and fix the problems before they turn into costly repair problems. An expert tune-up will fix this problem before you need expensive system repairs or get harmful mold spores. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your HVAC system running efficiently and avoiding costly repairs down the line. If you notice any of these signs that indicate it's time for a tune-up service, don't hesitate to call in a professional technician.

Eloise Birklid
Eloise Birklid

General gamer. Proud twitter expert. Avid coffee trailblazer. Professional tv junkie. Lifelong web junkie. Passionate pop cultureaholic.

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