What is NATE Certification and How Can it Help You?

Learn about NATE certification, its benefits & requirements for HVAC technicians. Get certified & stand out from other technicians.

What is NATE Certification and How Can it Help You?

Are you looking to stand out from the competition in the air conditioning industry? If so, you may want to consider obtaining a NATE certification. NATE certification is a nationally recognized credential for those who work in the air conditioning industry. It is a program of North American Certification of Technical Excellence (NATE) that certifies HVAC technicians through a series of tests based on knowledge and experience, and then initiates training and follow-up testing every two years.


suggests that technicians have between six months and one year of experience in the air conditioning industry before taking the exam. The traditional NATE certification modality requires two exams: the 50-question NATE basic exam and the 100-question specialized exam.

The NATE Certified HVAC Professional (CHP) is an alternative route to obtaining NATE certification. NATE has partnered with Interplay Learning to create a new online training platform for HVAC technicians. Everblue offers training to obtain the specialized certifications of NATE Core Service, NATE Air-to-Air Heat Pump, NATE Air Conditioning and NATE Gas Furnace Service.By choosing a NATE certified technician, you can be sure that the company highly values the proven knowledge and skills of its workforce, and you will receive the highest quality service available. The certification ensures better system performance and efficiency, and longer system life. NATE certification is beneficial for technicians who want to stand out from the competition and demonstrate their skills and experience in various sectors of the air conditioning industry.

It is also beneficial for companies who want to ensure their technicians are up-to-date with the latest industry standards. If you are considering becoming a certified technician, it is important to understand all the information about NATE certification, including the types of certifications offered, the requirements for each certification, and the benefits of becoming certified. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue a NATE certification. Obtaining a NATE certification can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise in the air conditioning industry. It can help you stand out from other technicians, as well as provide assurance to customers that they are receiving quality service from experienced professionals. If you are looking to take your career in air conditioning to the next level, consider obtaining a NATE certification.

Eloise Birklid
Eloise Birklid

General gamer. Proud twitter expert. Avid coffee trailblazer. Professional tv junkie. Lifelong web junkie. Passionate pop cultureaholic.

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